BullNet Doctoral Network position: Predicting and improving cryotolerance in bull semen

BullNet Doctoral Network position: Predicting and improving cryotolerance in bull semen


Job Information

Organisation/Company - Institute for Reproduction of Farm Animals Schönow

Research Field - Biological sciences » Biological engineering

Researcher Profile - First Stage Researcher (R1)

Positions - PhD Positions

Country - Germany

Application Deadline - 31 Jul 2024 - 23:59 (Europe/Dublin)

Type of Contract - Temporary

Job Status - Full-time

Hours Per Week -35-40

Offer Starting Date - 2 Sep 2024

Offer Description

BullNet is a Marie Curie Doctoral Training Network focused on understanding and improving bull fertility. It will hire and train 14 PhD students (Doctoral Candidates) in a diverse range of disciplines while addressing key industry relevant research questions. It comprises a multi-disciplinary and inter-sectorial research programme designed to unravel the complex underlying biology of compromised fertility of individual bulls.

This is an exciting opportunity for one Doctoral Candidate to work at the Institute for Reproduction of Farm Animals Schönow with the world leaders in the area of bull fertility. The Doctoral Candidate will also participate in network wide training events which consist of in-person training weeks with workshops, practical sessions, seminars, as well as online invited sessions every 3 months. There will also be 3- to 6- month secondment opportunities.

Title: Predicting and improving cryotolerance in bull semen

Host: Institute for Reproduction of Farm Animals Schönow, Germany

Main Supervisor: Prof Martin Schulze (Institute for Reproduction of Farm Animals Schönow, Germany; m.schulze@ifn-schoenow.de); Prof Sean Fair (University of Limerick, Ireland; sean.fair@ul.ie)

Duration: 36 months starting September 2024

Profile: A candidate with a master’s degree in veterinary science, animal science, biological science or aligned field. In-depth knowledge of spermatological and molecular techniques is an advantage.  

Project Description: Bulls vary in the cryotolerance of their semen for reasons that are not fully understood. The objectives are: (i) Characterise and interrogate the relationship between the lipidome, proteome, and exosome of undiluted and sex sorted semen from bulls categorised as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ freezers. (ii) Establish a predictive model of bull cryotolerance in both conventional and sex-sorted semen by using omics data in combination with pre-and post-freeze motility, antioxidant capacity, membrane integrity, fluidity, and stability. (iii) Investigate the effect of altering sperm cryopreservation media components including antioxidants (e.g. Hydroxytyrasol) and membrane stabilizers (e.g. cholesterol, lecithin), and the effects of the deep interactions among these components and specific dilution, cooling and equilibration processing techniques on the cryotolerance of semen from bulls categorised as good and bad freezers. (iv) Assess temperature dependent volume response and osmotic tolerance in sperm from good and bad freezers, the effects of antioxidants and membrane stabilizers on these properties, and correlate these data with lipidome and proteome differences. Identify media components that should be used in cryopreservation medium to mitigate osmotic damage both during glycerol equilibration and during cooling for both good and bad freezers.

Where to apply

E-mail - BullNet@ul.ie


Research Field

Biological sciences » Biological engineering

Education Level - Master Degree or equivalent

  • Spermatology/CASA/Flowcytometry
  • Cell Biology including Sperm Cell Biology
  • Semen Microbiology/Immunology
  • Data Science
  • Scientific Writing
Specific Requirements
  • An in-depth knowledge of spermatological and molecular techniques is an advantage but not mandatory.  
  • Applicants must speak and write fluently in English (IELTS=6.0 or higher).
  • Candidates should have a class B driver's license or equivalent certificate.

Languages - ENGLISH

Level - Excellent


Additional Information


The candidates will be employed according to the MSCA Doctoral Network rules and follow the regulations of the hosting institution.  The financial package will include the monthly researcher allowances subdivided into

1) a living allowance of €3,400 per month (country correction coefficient applies - The living allowance is a gross amount, including compulsory deductions under national law, such as employer and employee social security contributions and direct taxes)

2) a mobility allowance of €600 per month and,

3) a family allowance per month, where applicable

Doctoral candidates will be given an employment contract for 36 months by their host institution and will be entitled to full employee benefits and inclusion in social security schemes of the host country.

You have the chance to join a comprehensive, interactive and international training programme, as well as training across international institutions

Eligibility criteria

Supported researchers: applicants must be doctoral candidates, i.e., not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of recruitment. Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will not be considered eligible.

Mobility rule: researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (e.g., work, studies) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date.  

Selection process

Applications (in English) must include the following documents in a single PDF file:

1.  Cover letter (max 500 words) including a statement why you are suited for this position, demonstrating any relevant techniques used and your expected impact on the project. 

2. Curriculum vitae (max 3 pages) - the CV must be without gaps, in order to easily check the mobility and experience requirements. 

3. Transcripts of B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses, including grades.

4. One written academic reference included

In case the Master’s Degree has not been obtained at the closing date for application, the candidate has to submit a declaration signed by their supervisor or University official stating that the degree will be obtained by the time of PhD enrolment (1st September 2024)

Please send your application documents in a single PDF to bullnet@ul.ie. 

The subject line of the email must be in the following format: “BullNet: application for DC6”.  Ineligible or incomplete applications will not be considered.

The candidates will initially be evaluated on the basis of the received documents against the following criteria:

•    Academic record

•    Scientific quality of the applicant’s CV

•    Expected individual impact and benefit to the fellow and to the project

•    Previous experience in the subject areas of Bullnet

Shortlisting and Interviews

The short-listed candidates will then be interviewed by a panel that will include the recruiting PIs plus additional consortium members with a balance in terms of gender and varied sector experience.  The selection procedure will be open, transparent, and merit-based, fully aligned with the EURAXESS Code of Conduct (https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/charter/code).  Although the selection will be based on the quality of applications, gender balance will also be considered.

Interviews to be held in mid-August
