The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is a Non-Departmental Public Body, known as a 'Levy Board', funded by the agriculture and horticulture industries through statutory levies. It was established under the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Order 2008. AHDB is an independent, evidence-based organisation with the duty to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of various agriculture and horticulture sectors in parts of the UK representing about 75% of total UK agricultural output. AHDB serves the six sectors of: Pig meat in England; Beef and lamb in England; Commercial horticulture in Great Britain; Milk in Great Britain; Potatoes in Great Britain; and Cereals and oilseeds in the UK. Over 200 of AHDB’s employees are engaged in Technical activity – knowledge exchange with our farmers and growers, research and development, and provision of technical services (such as genetic evaluations). Our strategy focuses on improving performance and profitability, championing the reputation of Brutish food and giving consumers “permission to enjoy,” all underpinned by a strong focus on evidence and data at the heart of what we do. Our livestock research is focussed on the environment, animal health and welfare and genetics.
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