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The Future Has Six Legs!


We are excited to announce the launch of a groundbreaking new section in animal journal: 'Insects as Livestock.' Insects play a crucial role in shaping the future of animal production, and we invite you to contribute to this dynamic field.

Key focus areas of 'Insects as Livestock' include:

  • Breeding and Genetics
  • Nutrition
  • Physiology (Biology of tissues, growth, development, reproduction, productive processes)
  • Behavior and Welfare (including ethics)
  • Health Management (population medicine, preventive medicine, epidemiological approaches)
  • Production Systems and Sustainability (economic, social, environmental, and their interactions)
  • Quality of Insect-Derived Products (quality and safety, impacts of animal products on food security and human health)

Meet the esteemed editors of this section:

  • Section Editor: Laura Gasco, University of Turin
  • Deputy Section Editor: Stephen Mansbridge, Harper Adams University
  • Editor: Karol Barragan Fonesca, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Editor: David Deruytter, INAGRO

Submit Your Work Now!

animal journal is renowned for publishing the best, innovative, and cutting-edge science related to farmed or managed animals. We welcome contributions from all species that are in, or contribute knowledge to, farmed and managed animal systems, including but not limited to cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, horses, rabbits, fish, and insects.


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