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Student Membership Opportunities with BSAS

Congratulations on selecting a career in animal science and technology. You are joining the community at an exciting time as we look to science to find answers to many of today’s problems.

The British Society of Animal Science (BSAS) is a charity that champions advances in animal science and are particularly passionate about making sure that those who desire a career in animal science have all the tools they need to achieve their career goals, whether that be working in agriculture, making the latest ground-breaking discovery in nutritional physiology, or working in a related industry sector.

So we invite you to find out more!

Become A Member.

Being a student means being money smart. We are offering BSAS student membership at just £15, a smart investment get your career off to the right start.

Become an Ambassador

Student Ambassadors represent BSAS at their university, college or place of work. In return, you will receive full support from the BSAS team who will provide you with updates on key activities, networking opportunities, training, placements and much more. We are looking to recruit one ambassador per organisation so get your CV in quick.

As an incentive to create awareness about BSAS student membership, we are giving ambassadors the opportunity to receive 3 year’s membership for absolutely free! All you need to do is sign up 15 new members! Ambassadors who sign up 25 members before 31st December 2022 will also receive free virtual access to the BSAS conference, BSAS 2023, which is where the good and the great in the animal science world congregate and is being held in March next year.

Great for your career and great for your CV. If you are interested, please email communications@bsas.org.uk. To find out more visit our webpage here.