Individual membership
Become a member of BSAS today!
Join the BSAS animal science community to take advantage of....
- networking opportunities to meet your peers and others from the animal science and related sectors, share knowledge and experiences with and between academia, industry and the public sector
- special member registration fees for the BSAS annual conference fee and other events
- discounted article processing charge (APC) for animal - the international journal of animal biosciences
- complimentary membership of EAAP - facilitating access to discounted conference fees and participation in commissions to represent UK animal science (only available to members located in EAAP member countries)
- free application to BSAS Register, and opportunity to become a Registered Animal Scientist or Animal Technologist
- access to the BSAS member portal resources and video library
- getting involved in projects and committees helping to shape the future of animal science
Membership subscriptions and your contribution to BSAS activities are essential in achieving our vision to lead the communication of evidence-based scientific information and in being an organisation that delivers tangible benefits and supports and values the perspectives of our members and partners.
Your membership helps us to:
- bring together and provide a platform for individuals and organisations that are committed to the advancement of sustainable livestock by stimulating interest and championing discussion on addressing climate change and wider ecosystem challenges
- champion global collaboration and disseminate evidence-based science related to, a one nutrition, one health, multi-disciplinary approach to addressing future food security, informing government policy and related decision-making activities
- work with all sectors in, and related to, animal science to encourage and ensure sharing of fact-based information to improve animal health and welfare; and the care of equine, companion, and zoo animals
- encourage and support the development of early-career professionals as tomorrow's leaders and, thereafter, throughout their careers
If you have any questions about becoming a BSAS Member or about your BSAS Membership, please do not hesitate to contact us at To join please use the 'apply now' quick links in the side navigation. To renew your membership please click here
You can read more about the benefits of becoming a BSAS member in our downloadable Member Booklet.
Membership Fees (per annum)
Student (full-time education) - £25
Graduate (up to 3 years post full-time education) - £60
Individual (professional) - £120
Retired - £60
Low to middle income countries (LMIC) - £25
‘Whether you are an established researcher in a university, a student on an animal science degree programme, or a user of animal science in industry or on farms, a BSAS membership provides you with a wealth of opportunities to progress and enhance your career. As a membership organisation we exist to serve our members, providing support to those involved in animal science and its application in the UK and overseas and our team of membership managers, specialist committees and active members are on hand to answer any questions you may have.’
Kim Matthews, BSAS Past President