Trustee Role

Trustees are charged, within company and charitable law, with:

  • serving the whole organisation and not as representatives of any specific interest group
  • acting in the best interests of the organisation at all times
  • working together and not pursuing personal or sectional interests at the expense of organisation interests

Trustees are required to ensure that:

  • the society complies with its governing document, charity law, company law, relevant legislation & regulations
  • the society operates within the aims and objectives as set out in its governing document
  • the society’s resources are used appropriately
  • the Board operates effectively, and establishes the society’s strategic direction and goals
  • overall organisation policies are set
  • regular evaluation of the society’s performance is carried out
  • the society is financially stable and understand and act upon financial and other monitoring information presented to them as Board members, questioning such information when appropriate
  • the boundaries of management authority are clearly defined
  • the implementation of decisions is delegated to the chief executive and leadership team, supporting them as required to carry out their work
  • the performance and development of the chief executive officer is reviewed annually
  • an annual review of the performance of the Trustee’s Board is carried out and ensure that all Trustees actively participate in this
  • the Board’s agreed position is represented when speaking publicly on behalf of the organisation