BSAS Global Membership

Learn more about BSAS Global membership


BSAS Global Key Activities

  • Member Support – including early career mentor and buddy schemes, academia and industry collaboration
  • Member Discounts and offers
  • Accreditation Register - BSAS is the professional accrediting body for the Register of Certified Animal Scientists and Technologists
  • Annual Conference – providing a platform for the latest information in global animal science and associated areas
  • Occasional Meetings – focusing on key issues or topics
  • Webinars – short and informative, subject specific
  • Training Courses – for example, R-Stats and Good Writing Habits
  • Publications – animal Family of Journals, Special Editions, Animal Bytes
  • Awards – a range of member and non-member awards

BSAS Global has two categories of member societies: “Global Member” and “Global Associate Member”.

BSAS Global Member

BSAS Global Member - Key Benefits

  • Access to BSAS member resources and society member discounts
  • Access to BSAS accreditation – reduced cost of £45/application (non-member charge £145); annual charge £25
  • Collaboration and discussion on a global platform; Co-development of the Global session(s) at BSAS annual meeting
  • Opportunity to influence policy and future direction – working with BSAS to ensure activities meet current and future people and place, animal science and global sustainability needs
  • Early career community that supports, encourages and provides a podium for our future animal scientists and technicians
  • Potential for joint applications - international research funding

Individual Members support via:

  • Early Career Mentor
  • Buddy Schemes

Global Member Fees

Societies/Associations with up to:

  • 500 members - £1500.00 / annum
  • 500-750 members - £2000.00 / annum
  • 750 plus members - £2500.00 / annum

Global Associate Member

This membership was conceived for societies of any region of the world where payment of full membership fees can be challenging; the associate member category will be free of charge for those like-minded societies accepted as an associate member society/association.

Associate member organisations will be granted to up to one Society per country and the application to this category will be assessed in a case-by-case basis by the Global Committee. The candidate society will need to justify why they would qualify for this membership type.

BSAS Global Associate members’ benefits

Access to:

  • Newsletter
  • Webinars that are offered free of charge by the organiser
  • Opportunity to engage in conversation on animal science and global sustainability needs