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Preparation for Calf Rearing in 2024 - Webinar

16, Jan 2024 08:00pm–09:00pm


Preparation for Calf Rearing in 2024 - Webinar

16 January 2024

Event Time 8pm
Venue Online

Teagasc DairyBeef 500 Calf Care Webinar

Join us online on Tuesday, 16th January at 8pm for a Teagasc DairyBeef 500 Calf Care webinar, which will focus on preparation for calf rearing in 2024.

Click here to register! 

Topics and speakers include:

  • Preparing the calf housing for rearing
    Martin Kavanagh, MVB Cert DHH, Business Development Manager, Munster Bovine
    Areas to be covered include: Pen size; Floor/ canopy/ draught protection; Ventilation etc.
  • Keeping the calf health during the rearing phase
    Sarah Higgins MVB MRCVS CertAVP, Ruminant & Equine Veterinary Manager, MSD Animal Health
    Areas to be covered include: Vaccination protocol; Treating a scouring calf

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion, chaired by Alan Dillon, DairyBeef 500 Programme Manager, Teagasc.

Panellists include: 

  • Martin Kavanagh, Business Development Manager, Munster Bovine
  • Sarah Higgins, Ruminant & Equine Veterinary Manager, MSD Animal Health
  • Peter O’Hanrahan DairyBeef 500 Programme Farmer

Find out more about the DairyBeef 500 Programme here

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