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Member Profile: Issy Lewis share her experience of student and early career membership

Early Career Member Profile - Issy Lewis

How did you first become aware of BSAS, and what motivated you to join as an Early Career member?

During my undergraduate I became aware of the BSAS and joined on a student membership. Once I finished my PhD and entering the early stages of my career I was motivated to network with like minded scientists at various stages of their career.

What specific benefits have you experienced as an Early Career member of BSAS?

Having the opportunity to be a member of the early careers committee has allowed the opportunity to participate in BSAS activities such as fresher’s week and the annual conference.

Do you feel that your voice and opinions are heard within BSAS as an Early Career member?

In the early stages of my time as a member of the early careers committee I have ben able to voice my opinion on the society’s future plans and suggest solutions to current problems. All ideas are considered which encourages me as a member to actively participate.

Can you share a memorable or rewarding experience you've had as an Early Career member of BSAS?

By joining the BSAS as an early career member I was able to reconnect with a previous colleague and discuss how our careers have developed and learning we were on a very similar career trajectory in academia.

What advice would you give to other Early Career professionals who are considering joining BSAS?

Utilize all the benefits that are available for instance access to journals, networking opportunities and workshops to name a few.

You can watch a short video of Issy in which she explains the benefits of BSAS membership here.