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British Cattle Breeding Conference

23, Jan 2024 09:00am–05:00pm

Message from the Chair, Ben Harman

Without doubt the greatest threat that our industry faces is the oncoming regulatory onslaught to curb emissions. Reducing cattle numbers seems to be the easy policy target. Scant attention has been paid or thought given to the consequences of a drastic reduction in cattle numbers in the UK.
Consequences that will include a reduction of biodiversity on our farms as well as the socio economic impacts. I believe the cattle industry takes a disproportionate amount of blame for global warming. I also believe that we can offer solutions that will help reduce emissions from our industry and that will as a direct consequence improve our efficiency and ultimately our profitability. Those who act have a future in cattle breeding, those who refuse to adapt do not.

The 2024 British Cattle Breeding Conference is entitled 'Green Genes - Revolutionising cattle breeding for a sustainable future' The committee and I have focused on bringing together research that points to the way ahead, whether that be through selection for efficiencies, improved microbiome, or whether through best practice and innovation. I am enormously proud and excited about the programme we have put together and also about the evolution of the conference format, this year for the first time as well as the usual Beef day and Dairy day sessions we will have Bovine sessions as so many of the issues we will talk about affect both sectors equally. I owe a debt of thanks to the speakers, sponsors and BCBC committee, especially
the secretary Heidi Bradbury without all of whom this conference would not be possible.

Please join us on 23rd and 24th January 2024 in Telford and please tell your neighbours, your vet, your suppliers and business partners and help us deliver a conference for the ages.