Developing Talent Award

To apply for the Developing Talent Prize, you must be:

  • an early career animal scientist (postgraduate student or within two years of graduating with a PhD) or
  • working in commerce or industry with an equivalent level of experience (without necessarily having a PhD)

 Applicants will be judged on the quality of their presentation as given at the conference. You will be marked on:


  • Clear, well-prepared slides
  • How you introduce the topic and communicate the project; how concisely you explain the content and how you communicate the application of your research
  • Used language appropriate to discipline
  • Appropriate level of formality for audience
  • Explained specialist vocabulary
  • Spoke at appropriate speed
  • Spoke fluently
  • Spoke with confidence


  • candidates will be judged, by representatives of BSAS, on the overall quality of the abstract and its presentation at the conference


  • are made via the abstract submission platform as part of submitting your conference abstract
  • please tick the appropriate box, when submitting your summary, to be included for the Industry Prize


  • A prize of £250 is awarded to the winner

Previous Recipients